Elisha & Violet Wright


(651) 592-7484 (cell)

More About Elisha:

Birthday: December 12th

Started working with TFC: 2013

What I do with TFC: I am the director of the Roseville Bible club and Stillwater Sr high Bible club. I also coach a quiz team and am in charge of leadership camp and the Belize mission trip.

Education: I graduated high school with 45 college credits after taking PSEO at Century. I graduated from the Institute for Teen Evangelism (the school that TFC runs) after I finished high school.

What I enjoy most about TFC: I have enjoyed coaching quizzing both on the local and national level. Bible club has also been great, building relationships with teens in both Stillwater and Roseville. I also enjoy the summer trips. Between the preachers of the Word fishing trip, leadership camp, TFC camp and Belize my summer is packed, but fun and impactful!

My Testimony: Before I was a Christian, life was pretty normal for me. I became a Christian when I was about 5. Growing up in a Christian home, with Christian parents I was never really challenged in my faith. For the next 7 years or so I basically lived off of my parents’ faith. I went to all the church functions, Awana, etc but I didn’t really grow personally in my relationship with Christ. The messages in church didn’t really challenge me in my faith because I wasn’t spiritually mature enough to grasp a lot of the concepts. I was also homeschooled until 3rd grade so I wasn’t challenged at school. Being homeschooled almost caused me to be sheltered from some of the trials I would have to go through being at a public school. It wasn’t until I started going to a TFC Bible club that Christ starting working in my life.

God really starting working in my life through the messages that I heard each week, and I grew as a result of that. The messages were geared toward speaking to teenagers, so I understood them better. God also taught me through Bible quizzing. In the years that I was involved in quizzing God worked in my life because when you memorize the Word of God, good things happen. When you memorize Scripture, it is impossible not to grow spiritually and gain Biblical knowledge through the Holy Spirit. If you aren’t in Bible quizzing, I encourage you to join. It’s a great way to draw closer to God, and have verses you can use in certain situations. God is still teaching me things as I memorize His Word. You can memorize even if you’re too old for quizzing. I really started getting excited about my faith in jr high and invited quite a few friends to TFC. Most of them made decisions, but sadly most of them have fallen away.

Unfortunately being in the public school system I was exposed to some things that I still struggle with today. Being in public school can expose you to things, but working through those things can cause you to grow spiritually. If you are never challenged, you won’t grow and may become a lukewarm Christian. Through struggling with this sin, God is teaching me to rely on Him more. God is still able to use me even though I’ve struggled with sin. He is using me through being at TFC, and working with teenagers knowing full well that I will sin again.

Favorite Bible Verse or Passage: I Corinthians 9:24-27

My view of God: I view God as a loving father. He loves me so much that he sent his son to die in my place. That's pretty powerful! Like any good father, God disciplines me and gives me direction when I'm having a hard time. He will also never leave, but will always be there when I call.

A Long-term Prayer Request: That I will diligently pour my time into ministry, not only at events but building relationships with teens outside of TFC events. Also, please pray that I will rely on God to strengthen me in His work.